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Links to useful websites, organizations, book recommendations

(fiction and non-fiction about life after retirement), and other sources of information.

1. Retire Japan: Personal finance for residents of Japan


2. Planning Retirement for Teachers (David Juteau)


3. Hokkaido Multinational Support Community


4. Japan Association of Intercultural Families Kokusaikazoku (Japanese only)


5. Tsumugu House, Takarazuka, and the wider home hospice network.  All in Japanese, but might be useful for those interested:


6. Tokyo Life website:


7. Various useful resources:

8. Infos Locales au Japon (Local information in Japan)

9. Making a Living Will/エンディング ノート event's notes and slides: 

   *Notes about making a living will (pdf)

   **Additional Notes on Ending Note (June 20, 2024)

   ***Presentation slides

10. This is an interesting and very clearly written article on how to make a will with a notary public:

12. The Good Life: Foreign Teachers and Retirement by Gregory Strong (pp. 245 – 253 JALT PanSIG 2023 Journal)

13. Lifelong Learning and Retiring Retirement Stereotypes 

     Steve McCarty

14. British expats in Japan


15. Kyoto expats and internationals

16. Dual Nationality in Japan: Learning to Love Ambiguity by Steve McCarty:

17. Steve McCarty's publication link on bilingualism:


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